Avocado and tomatoes? This website gives you recipes for your random pantry scraps

We’ve all been there: it’s time to think of something to make for dinner and the only thing you have left in the pantry is utter randomness. If you’re not good at Masterchef mystery boxes, your options are pretty much grocery shopping or ordering in. But what if there was a way to get recipes for just those few random ingredients you do have? Well there is and it’s a website called Supercook.

Tell Supercook what you have

Supercook.com is a brilliant site that gives you options where there were none before. If you’re not one of those people with a pantry that’s always stocked, the site is a gift sent from cooking heaven. At the top left of the site you can simply type the ingredients you have and Supercook will start working for you. Alternatively you could also scroll the different categories of ingredients and select the ones you want the recipes to be based on. The website does assume that you at least have some salt and pepper.

Supercook recipe website
Add your sparse ingredients / Screenshot: Supercook

Finding recipes based on what you have is a pretty straightforward process, but the site has a few ways to finetune the results. If you want one of your ingredients to be the star of the dish for example, you can simply elevate it to “key ingredient”. Apart from that there are a few filters to choose which meal type, cuisine or diet you want. A few other things you can filter on are recipe time, rating and video only.

Recipes with tomato and avocado

So are you wondering what recipes you’ll get if you only have avocados and tomatoes? We asked and it turns out you can make 111 dishes if you have avocados and tomatoes. Granted we don’t really see a recipe that uses both of the ingredients, but it was a bit of a stretch. Hopefully you have some more ingredients to play with.

Supercook recipe website
Recipes for tomato and avocado / Screenshot: Supercook

If you’ve found your ultimate recipe, it’s time to start cooking. Unfortunately some kitchen appliances do use a lot of electricity or gas. If you’re trying to save money while cooking, we have a few must-know cooking tips and tricks.

PS If you’re wondering where we found a picture of a woman holding tomatoes and an avocado, we didn’t. We used an image generating AI to create the image. Neat huh

Ilona Braam

Ilona is a Digital Media Design graduate, content writer/creator and a whole bunch of other things. A few words that would describe her are jolly, creative, nerdy, curious and a bit dark.