This friendly robot doesn’t mind carrying your things
Although we’re a long way from having humanoid robots that help out around the house, there is in fact a little robot more than willing to pitch in while you’re shopping. Meet Gita, the friendly icebox-looking robot that follows you around and doesn’t mind carrying your things. And in case you’re worried, it doesn’t have any hands to grab you if robots do decide to take over the world.
AI robot companion
The word “gita” is Italian for “trip” and that’s exactly what the robot is for, albeit a short trip. Thanks to a host of sensors and artificial intelligence the little thing can follow you around while you’re off shopping or enjoying a relaxing stroll. And because Gita doesn’t rely on GPS, it can even follow you inside buildings so you always have a snack nearby.

Gita robot not for lazy people
You might think Gita was designed for lazy people, but the opposite is true. The idea is to encourage people to move more, which is easier when you don’t have to carry a bunch of stuff around. The robot has enough muscle to easily transport 18 kg (40 lbs) of groceries, books, or whatever you need by your side. And it’s even strong enough to let you rest on it if you need a little breather.
Now of course you know there’s also an app involved and in this case it’s the MyGitta app. You can use it to check the battery status of the little companion, track how much you’ve been walking, lock the bin and even stream music. Every now and then you might even get updates, so Gita can get smarter over time.

Get Gita or Gita mini
If you’re ready to bond with the little robot you can get it through the Piaggion Fast Forward website. The robot comes in a few fun colors and it even has a little brother, the Gitamini. Of course the smaller version won’t be able to carry the same amount of goodies around, but the battery does last longer. As for the price, big Gita will set you back 2,950 USD while the mini version can be yours for 1,850 USD.